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OWL Policies and Procedures




Annual OWL membership dues are only $15.  We use these funds for tournament prizes, refreshments, and to subsidize our annual End-of Season luncheon.  Dues should be paid by 4/1/20. New members may try the league out 2x before needing to pay. Note that membership in OWL is separate from membership in Occoneechee Golf Course.


Barbara Martin is collecting dues this year, so please give her cash or a check, in person, or mail to her at:

5939 Florasaline Drive

Mebane, NC 27302


Signups and Play Day

We encourage everyone to use SignUpGenius for weekly sign-ups. It makes life much easier for the person doing the pairings, now Trish Murphy.


Just go to and set up an account if you don’t have one.

You must let Trish (or the organizer for that week) know by 5 PM Monday if you wish to play Thursday morning ( Any requests after that time are not guaranteed to be accommodated. Late signups are out of luck if there are no openings (e.g. a threesome) and if there is they will be accommodated on a first come/first serve basis.



  • If you are signed up and need to cancel, but play hasn’t been canceled (e.g. bad weather) you are required to let Trish know you won’t be playing


Late Arrivals:

Schedule adjustments will not be made for late arrivals and groups will not be reorganized to accommodate these.  If you are not on time you will join your designated group in progress wherever they are on the course. Note that since groups may have been rearranged after the original notice you may have been reassigned to an earlier group which is why everyone needs to arrive 20 minutes before the first tee time.


Pace of Play


OWL has  a responsibility to keep play moving at OGC and not hold up any golfers behind us. Our reputation depends on it!  The basic rule of thumb is that you MUST keep up with the group in front of you, regardless of how many golfers are in that group. Even if you are a foursome and they are a threesome you should assume there is a foursome in front of them and you should therefore be keeping pace with them.


Everyone should read the Ready Golf Guide in full. Here is a summary:


Ready Golf means that ALL golfers should go to their balls as soon as possible and get READY to play their shots. While waiting to hit, PLAYERS should SURVEY their shot, SELECT their clubs, TAKE them from their bags, and STAND at their balls READY to step up and make the shot when it is their turn. That’s Ready Golf.


Here are some simple rules:

  • Walk to Your ball as soon as possible, so that you can choose your club and think about the shot in ADVANCE - not when it is your turn.

  • When driving a cart drop your partner first, let your partner choose her or her club and then drive to your own ball to get READY to play

  • When a ball is lost hit your shot FIRST and then look for the lost ball.

  • Walk down the SIDES of the fairway to reach your ball and then APPROACH it from the center.  NEVER play in a caravan, moving in a group from ball to ball.

  • When on the Green, line up your putt BEFORE it is your turn, and putt out immediately instead of marking, if you are not in someone else’s line.

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