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1st Place: Marty, Lucy, Becky, Carol (65)


2nd/3rd Place (Tie): Trish, Eileen, Barbara M. (67)


2nd/3rd Place (Tie): Marie, Toby, Diane W (67)


Carol, Marty, Lucy, and Becky.jpg

Winning Team: 

Carol, Marty, Lucy, Becky (65)

Captain's Choice Results 7/18/19


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Closest to Pin (#3)


Closest to Line (#7)

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Closest to Pin (#16)

Barbara M. Closest to Pin.jpg

Barbara M.

Longest Drive (#13)

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Standing: Fabia, Marty, Lynn, Diane, Carol, Kathy, Maura, Hannah, Barb D., Lucy, Barbara M., Marion, Carol, Diane K., Sandy, Tez, Betty, Trish, ET, Toby, Eileen, Marie

Kneeling: Linda, Susie, Swood

The Teams

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2nd Place (Tie): Trish, Barbara M., Eileen (67)

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Hannah, Lynn, Linda, Diane K. (70)

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Marion, Maura and Kathy (70)

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2nd Place (Tie): Diane W., Toby, Marie (67)

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Susie, Swood, Tez, Sandy (72)

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Barb, Betty, ET, Fabia (72)

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